Neat / Nada Rodanant

Neat is studying Graphic Design and Sculpture (BFA) at Rhode Island School of Design. She is interested in playful typography, book making, editorial design and identity design. Her works often draw inspiration from nature, sci-fi, film, psychology, illusion and intricate forms. 

Graphic Design

  1. PSYCHO!!!
  2. El Lissitzky On Type + Books
  3. Meaningful Making
  4. Meaningful Making II
  5. Armin Hofmann / Koichi Sato
  6. Moles Book
  7. GumGirl©
  8. Poème électronique
  9. Connection Poster
  10. Boi—nk
  11. Alphabets I

Sculpture / Drawing

  1. KNVRN
  3. HBVRN I 
  5. Be Not Afraid
  6. Tree
  7. Come and See
  8. Journey
  9. Dimension | Dissociation
  10. Complexity | Contradiction


  1. Shape Finder
  2. Folded Dimensions
  3. Kardashev Scale
  4. City Spectrum
  5. howmanytimesifixmyhair



Complexity | Contradiction

Abstraction / Optical Illusion / Perception
Mixed-media sculpture

Complex things are often originated from simple and basic elements. There are always opposite sides of things: black and white, positive and negative, action and reaction, light and shadow. They all co-exist to create balance, and without one side, there is no other. Sometimes the separation of the two seems clear, sometimes the line is blurred, depending on our subjective perception. Sometimes simple choices appear to be so complex. We are all biased by our point of view and sometimes there are contradictions in the way things are and the way we see them.

in motion